GDPR Halt Process


Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) you have requested that we restrict processing your claims. Until you instruct us to lift the restriction your claims will remain in this status. The only exception is if your lender makes a decision on your claims and an offer of compensation is made. If this occurs we will inform you immediately.

During the time your claims are in the status of Restricted Processing the following will occur:

If we receive any data from your lender we will continue to update our records to ensure they are accurate and to reduce possible future delays.

We will seek to notify involved parties including lenders, insurers, FSCS and/or FOS of your wish to restrict processing. We will contact these parties, but it may take several weeks for them to action the request.

If your lender returns an outcome of No PPI or Outside of Jurisdiction we will close your claim and you may receive automated notifications of these events.

If you receive a financial award at any time, we reserve the right to invoice and process payments in the normal manner without delay.

We will contact you after 28 days, unless a longer pause was agreed, to review the restriction on your claims. If contact is not established within 28 days from the agreed review point, we will transition your claims into our cancellation process.

You will not receive communication from us regarding the status of your individual claims.

If you wish to pursue your claim but tailor how we communicate with you at this time, please call 01489 660280 and we will be happy to discuss your requirements.


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